Contact Community Pharmacy England

  • Your Gateway to Comfort

Contact Community Pharmacy England,Staffing pressures are significantly impacting community pharmacies, adding huge workload pressures for all those who work in them and hampering their ability to help patients and the public, a report from Community Pharmacy England has found.


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Secretary of State launches national conversation on health service

Alongside this national conversation, organisations across health and social care policy are being invited to submit their views and ideas via formal submission documents. A series of policy working groups have also been set up to explore four key ambitions for healthcare, with other working groups exploring the various enablers for change that are needed.

Community Pharmacy England has attended stakeholder briefings and had an initial meeting with the NHS 10-year plan team (which sits in the Department of Health and Social Care). We anticipate that we will be asked to submit evidence to a number of working groups, whether formally or informally.

The Committee will consider its initial formal submission to the NHS plan at its November meeting, and we will also soon issue advice to LPCs and pharmacy owners on how the sector can best engage with the public conversation on the NHS plan.


Company: Staffing pressures are significantly impacting community pharmacies, adding huge workload pressures for all those who work in them and hampering their ability to help patients and the public, a report from Community Pharmacy England has found.
Contact: 0203 1220 810
City Name: London
Zip Code: EC1A 9LQ
Location: London
14 Hosier Lane

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